
Educating members through discussions about key legal issues and Pool services.

Listen. Learn.

The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is proud to produce the Local Officials: Stronger, Together Podcast Series to help local officials (and managers and staff) understand key operational and legal concepts and the services the Pool provides. After arming Members with that information, each 15-minute episode will give easy action items to help keep your citizens, employees, volunteers, and property safe, all while saving public dollars.

Your host is Scott Houston, the Pool’s Intergovernmental Relations Manager. Scott served the Texas Municipal League for over 20 years, the last half as general counsel. He has served as an adjunct professor, been published in the Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal, and has received awards from the American Bar Association, Texas Bar, and International Municipal Lawyers Association. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in political science and — after studying law in Austria and Argentina — received his law degree from St. Mary’s University School of Law.

The Pool provides financial strength and stability through a partnership with over 2,800 local governments, providing workers’ compensation coverage to over 165,000 public servants, and protecting more than $48 billion in property. The collective success makes Members Stronger, Together, demonstrated through the Pool’s core values:

  • Integrity: Serving with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
  • Public Service: Serving the public good – for the benefit of local governments and their tax-paying citizens.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: Responsibly managing our Members’ pooled funds for the protection of their financial stability.
  • Operational Excellence: Delivering excellent Member service in all components of risk financing and loss prevention services.
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Episode 35, posted August 9, 2024

"The Opioids Crisis — A Tragedy Close to Home and One City’s Prevention Efforts"

In this episode, Scott speaks with Arkansas Municipal League Executive Director Mark Hayes. Mark lost his son Wells in 2020 to a drug overdose. Mark and his wife Allison decided to share Wells’ story as publicly as they can in the hopes that doing so helps others avoid such a tragedy. Mark is also a co-founder of the Arkansas Opioids Recovery Partnership, which uses millions in drug company settlement funds to fight the opioid epidemic in Arkansas.
Scott then explains the TML Risk Pool’s Partnership Award, which was given to the City of Laredo for its outstanding efforts to fight overdoses locally. The city’s efforts run the gamut from prevention campaigns and treatment centers to overdose response and law enforcement operations. Scott interviews Laredo Police Chief Miguel A. Rodriguez, Jr., who highlights the city’s efforts.
This episode is so compelling it goes longer than a typical 15-minute STP episode, and every city official will want to listen to and learn from Wells’ story and Mark’s efforts, as well as those of the City of Laredo.

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Episode 34, posted June 28, 2024

"Communicating During a Crisis: A Local Official’s Primer"

In this episode, Scott visits with a public relations/communications expert about what a city or other local government official should know about communicating with the public and media during a crisis. Be it severe weather, an act of violence, or any other catastrophic event, elected officials, city managers, and city attorneys need to know the basics. This episode also mentions the Pool’s new qualifying crisis incident coverage, which can provide the services of a crisis management firm to assist Risk Pool Members during a qualifying crisis that leads to intense media scrutiny.

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Episode 33, posted June 21, 2024

"The Pool’s Role in Supporting Excellence in Law Enforcement"

In this episode, Scott explains the Pool’s internal efforts to ensure appropriate resources are provided to the approximately 800 law enforcement departments covered by the Pool. The efforts began with a July 2023 preliminary report that was presented to the Board of Trustees for their consideration. Board Member comments were then incorporated into a summary of actions, which serves as a roadmap for the Pool’s loss prevention and other efforts. (Both documents are linked below.) After explaining the summary, Scott interviews Charles “Chase” Stapp, the Pool’s Law Enforcement Consultant, about how he can assist departments with risk management efforts that save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property. Members are encouraged to reach out to Chase at or 512-491-2440 for a no-cost consultation designed to promote excellence in law enforcement.

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Episode 32, posted May 31, 2024

"STP Special Report: 2024–2025 Rerates"

In this special report, you’ll hear from Jeff Thompson (Executive Director) and Aaron Hardiman (Risk Services Manager) as they explain the state of the Pool, the major rate drivers, and their effect on your 2024–2025 rerates.

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Episode 31, posted March 1, 2024

"Servant Leadership: Leading with Trust, Respect, and Honesty"

In this episode, Scott talks about Robert Greenleaf’s seminal essay “The Servant as Leader.” Servant leadership is not about a personal quest for power, prestige, or material rewards. Instead, from this perspective, leadership begins with a true motivation to serve others. Scott is joined by a special guest — his Dad (hey, the price was right) — who speaks about one man’s experience practicing the philosophy over 50 years in business.

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Episode 30, posted February 16, 2024

"Remote Employees: Practical Challenges and Legal Pitfalls"

In this episode, Scott explains some of the practical and legal issues related to hiring remote employees, whether in Texas or out-of-state, and interviews several Risk Pool employees with expertise in the subject.

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Episode 29, posted November 10, 2023

"Employee Drug Testing: An Interview with Dripping Springs City Attorney Laura Mueller"

In this episode, Scott interviews Dripping Springs City Attorney and Texas City Attorneys Association Board Member Laura Mueller. In it, Laura explains how the law limits the circumstances in which a city or other local government can drug test its employees. Lots of entities are improperly drug testing employees, and this short interview can help set them straight. Check out the podcast as usual or watch the interview by clicking on the video.

Further Information

“Weeding Out Bad Employees: Random Drugs Testing and Cities 2023 Update” prepared by Laura Mueller and recently presented to the Texas City Attorneys Association.

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Episode 28, posted October 5, 2023

"The TML Risk Pool’s 50th Anniversary: Here’s What You Need to Know"

In this special, abbreviated episode, Scott welcomes you back from the TML Annual Conference and Exhibition and explains more about the TML Risk Pool and what we offer our Members. He describes a few of the Pool’s most important Member benefits and encourages elected officials to learn more by reviewing the 50th Anniversary Pamphlet. In it, you’ll learn about why TML created the Pool, why we’re the best value proposition for cities, and our coverages and loss prevention services. Reach out to Scott at with questions or comments!

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Episode 27, posted August 4, 2023

"Code Enforcement Officers: Certification and Training, Practical Challenges, and Legal Pitfalls"

In this episode, Scott explains State of Texas code enforcement officer certification and training, and he interviews City of Irving Assistant City Manager Teresa Adrian, Code Enforcement Director Shain Diller, and Deputy City Attorney Janet Spugnardi about practical and legal challenges related to code enforcement.

Further Information

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Episode 26, posted June 30, 2023

"Podcast en Español: Manténte Segura en el Trabajo! (Stay Safe at Work!)"

Join special guest host Victor Flores, Mission City Attorney and TML Risk Pool Board of Trustees member, as he explains (in Spanish): (1) that the TML Risk Pool provides property, liability, workers’ compensation, and cyber coverage; (2) that the Pool’s loss prevention department can provide resources to keep employees safe while at work. 

Further Information

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Episode 25, posted June 9, 2023

“2023 Reinsurance Discussion: What it Is, Why the Pool Has It, and How the Pool Uses It"

In this special episode, Scott interviews Pool Deputy Director and C.O.O. Lindsey Fields about reinsurance — what it is, why the Pool has it, and how the Pool uses it. 

Further Information

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Episode 24, posted June 2, 2023

“2023 Rerates, the State of the Pool, and More"

In this special episode, Scott interviews Pool Executive Director Jeff Thompson about the major rate drivers and their effect on your 2023 rerates, the state of the Pool, and more. 

Further Information

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Episode 23, posted March 3, 2023

“An Interview with Risk Pool Assistant Director Mike Rains: Lessons Learned from 37 Years”

In this episode, Scott interviews Mike Rains. Mike is retiring after 37 years of service to the Pool and its Members. Listen to Mike’s insights about the Pool’s growth over his almost four-decade tenure.

Further Information

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Episode 22, posted February 3, 2024

“Texas Town & City Magazine: How Cities Work”

Explains: (1) that the Texas Municipal League prepares an outstanding edition of Texas Town and City Magazine in January of legislative years called “How Cities Work;” and (2) reviews ways a city official can use the magazine to educate legislators and others.

Further Information

Texas Town & City Magazine (January 2023 Edition)

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Episode 21, posted November 11, 2022

“An Interview with Board of TrusteesChair Mary M. Dennis”

In this episode, you’ll get to know City of Live Oak Mayor Mary M. Dennis, who was recently chosen to lead to Pool’s Board of Trustees. Scott and/or Mary would love to come speak at your event about the benefits of Pool Membership.

Further Information

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Episode 20, posted October 21, 2022

“Crimes and Coverage”

Explains: (1) several criminal offenses for which a local official can be indicted; (2) criminal offenses that can be perpetrated against a local government; and (3) various crime coverages offered by the Pool.

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Episode 19, posted September 2, 2022

“Member Service Managers: Your Gateway to the Pool”

In this episode, special guest host Tamara Chafin, the Risk Pool’s Communications Officer, explains: (1) the role a Member Services Manager (MSM), plays at the Pool; and (2) interviews 2 of our MSMs: Linda Morvant and Marc Rodriguez.

Further Information

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Episode 18, posted August 19, 2022

“The Texas Public Information Act: The Information Business”

In this episode, Scott: (1) explains the basics of the Public Information Act; and (2) interviews three city secretaries and an open government analyst for practical tips and advice.

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Episode 17, posted June 21, 2022

“Temporary Custodians — Public Information on Private Devices and Accounts”

Explains: (1) that work-related local government information held on private devices or in private accounts is public information; and (2) that a local government official or employee is a “temporary custodian” responsible for maintaining that information according to certain procedures.

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Episode 16b, posted July 3, 2024

“The 2024 Hurricane Season is Upon Us — Are You Ready?”

In this episode, Scott explains the predictions for the 2024 hurricane season and visits with a special guest — Matthew Rosencrans, the Climate Testbed Director at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center — to get his top three things a local official should know about this season. Unsurprisingly, being prepared is one thing. Local officials from almost every part of the state should tune in to learn about one you might not know!

Further Information

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Episode 16, posted July 16, 2022

“Are You Prepared: Before, During and After the Storm”

Explains: (1) the most important aspect of preparing for and recovering from damage caused by a hurricane; and (2) links below to a video of a comprehensive workshop presentation on the subject.

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Episode 15, posted June 4, 2022

“An Interview with Executive Director Jeff Thompson”

In this episode, Scott interviews Jeff Thompson (Risk Pool Executive Director) to get Jeff’s thoughts on the state of the Pool, rerates, and more.

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Episode 14, posted April 12, 2022

“Special Edition: My Three Most Compelling Episodes”

In this episode, you’ll hear: (1) about the STP Series and how it can help elected officials and other local officials and employees keep their citizens, employees, volunteers, and property safe, all while saving public dollars; (2) from a podcast fan and the Pool’s Executive Director about the benefits of the series; and (3) segments from three special episodes.

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Episode 13, posted March 4, 2022

“Contractual Risk Transfer"

Explains: (1) the importance of shifting risk to the appropriate parties to a contract; and (2) the essential provisions that should be included in any major or high-exposure contract.

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Episode 12 Redux, posted December 2, 2022

“Risk Pool Human Resources Training: Top Three Human Resources Challenges and Opportunities"

Explains: (1) the three most common human resources challenges and opportunities for local government employees; (2) training provided by the Pool to address behaviors that cause unhealthy conflict in the workplace.

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Episode 11a, posted December 8, 2023

“January is R.O.A.D. Ready Month: Protect Those Who Work in and Around Roadways”

The year 2023 has seen multiple city employee struck-by fatalities on Texas roadways. The TML Risk Pool’s goal is to reduce that to zero in 2024, and we’ve developed a program to do just that. R.O.A.D. Ready is a Risk Pool program designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising member awareness of dangers on and near roadways, and January is R.O.A.D. Ready month. Listen in to learn how you can participate and stop one of your employees from being a statistic. 

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Episode 11, posted January 5, 2022

“Are You R.O.A.D. Ready?"

R.O.A.D. Ready is a Risk Pool program designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising Member awareness of dangers on and near roadways.  The Pool will provide participating Members with: (1) specifically designed resources and training to mitigate roadway risks; and (2) promotional materials to show they are R.O.A.D. Ready.
The Pool launched the program in January 2022 and has designated each successive January as R.O.A.D. Ready month. To participate, a Member should: (1) make a commitment to becoming R.O.A.D. Ready by providing internal roadway safety training or using the Pool’s resources to do so; and (2) participating in national roadway, vehicle, or work zone programs.
In this episode, you’ll hear more about why this initiative came about and why it’s so important.

Further Information

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Episode 10c, posted July 28, 2022

“First Responder Workers’ Compensation Benefits — The Facts”

Mentions a recent Texas Observer assertion that the Pool mistreated three first responders and explains that: (1) the Pool never tries to claw back benefits already received in a benefits determination appeal; (2) the workers’ compensation beneficiary determination process can seem calloused; and (3) appeal lawsuits are about determining who is the appropriate beneficiary.

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Episode 10b, posted November 9, 2021

“Workers' Compensation: First Responder Disease Presumption”

Listen to "Workers' Compensation: First Responder Disease Presumption," the second part of the tenth episode in the TML Risk Pool’s STP Series. 
The TML Risk Pool provides workers’ compensation coverage for thousands of first responders. State law provides a special workers’ comp benefit to those employees, known as the disease presumption law. Simply put, the law “presumes” that first responders contracted certain diseases on the job for purposes of workers’ comp benefits. In this episode, you’ll hear about the presumption, how it’s administered, and how the Pool partners with Members to help guide them through the complex process.

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Episode 10a, posted October 14, 2021

“Workers' Comp: Taking Care of Your Employees"

The TML Risk Pool provides workers’ compensation coverage for more than 200,000 local government employees, and receives around 10,000 claims per year. The Workers’ Compensation Department is the largest of all the Pool’s departments, largely because the workers compensation process is highly-regulated by the Workers’ Compensation Division of the Texas Department of Insurance. In this episode, you’ll hear from key Pool staff about the process and how it’s administered, most importantly how we partner with Members to help guide them through the complex process.

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Episode 9e, posted July 19, 2024

"Cybersecurity: The Evolving Threat Landscape"

Cybersecurity threats are changing, emerging, and growing every day to include city funds, government websites, and water systems and other infrastructure. Local officials should stay aware of the changing cybersecurity landscape and evolving hacker tactics. In this episode, Scott interviews Dr. Michael Ramage, Director of Cyber Education and Research Center at Murray State University, to learn about the most important issues to know. Dr. Ramage will also present a more in-depth version of this discussion at the 2024 TML Annual Conference and Exhibition in October. Don’t miss this episode or the presentation, both of which provide an overview of the dangers facing your communities, while highlighting steps and governance necessary to protect your network, data, and, ultimately, your people. 

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Episode 9d, posted April 12, 2024

“DIR-Certified Cybersecurity Training: Featuring the Cyber Guy and Hacker Hank!!”

Texas Government Code Section 2054.5191 mandates cybersecurity training for local government employees, elected officials, and appointed officials who have access to a local government computer system or database and use a computer to perform at least 25 percent of their duties. The training must be certified by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) — both this podcast and the YouTube video linked to the left are DIR-approved.
This episode isn’t some boring episode. Instead, join the Risk Pool Cyber Guy — Ryan Burns — and his buddy — Hacker Hank — as they discuss ways that “Hank Hacks” trick local government employees into sending money, downloading ransomware, and more!
The State requires compliance certification.

A local government has two tracking options:

  1. A local governmental entity can keep track of participants internally. The easiest and most common method for most entities is to simply keep a written list or use an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. To assist a local governmental entity with tracking, DIR has developed an optional tracking tool, Texas by Texas (TxT). This method is probably most useful, for example, for a larger entity to track individual completion of hundreds of employees. Individual participants report completion to the TxT application, which sends a report to the entity showing who has completed the training.

And once a local government entity’s required participants have completed the training, the entity must certify its compliance to DIR using the Cybersecurity Training Certification for State and Local Governments form by August 31 of each year. (The entity certifies compliance of all its required participants to DIR once per year — individuals do not certify compliance to DIR.)

Further Information

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Episode 9c, posted February 9, 2024

“You’ve Been Cyber-Attacked: When Nothing Works at All - Five Things Every City Manager (and Everyone Else) Should Know!”

In this eye-opening episode, Scott interviews City of Tomball Assistant City Manager Jessica Rogers. Cyber-criminals hacked Tomball at the end of 2022, and the city is still — one year later — dealing with the aftermath. In this episode — which should be required listening for every city manager in Texas (and beyond) — Jessica explains exactly what it’s like to have essentially every computer system go down, including 9-1-1 dispatch, utility metering and billing, permitting, and everything in between. She’ll also describe the long road to getting everything up and running. Don’t miss our chance to learn from this chill-inducing story.

Further Information

Texas City Management Association’s “TCMA Messenger” Newsletter article: “There and Back Again, An ACM’s Journey”

Center for Internet Security’s 2022 Nationwide Cybersecurity Review

TML Risk Pool’s Cyber Liability Home Page


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Episode 9b, posted September 15, 2023

“Cyber Bytes #2 – Welcome Back Hacker Hank!”

In this episode, Scott introduces the second of several short cybersecurity training videos. This isn’t some boring webinar. No way. Instead, join the Risk Pool Cyber Guy, Ryan Burns, and his buddy Hacker Hank as they continue to educate you about all sorts of cyber perils. These videos are hilarious! You can listen in traditional podcast format, but you’ll be missing out if you don’t watch the nine-minute YouTube video version linked next to this episode! If you can identify which pool employee plays Hacker Hank, email Scott at for the chance to win a prize!

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Episode 9a, posted March 3, 2023

“Cyber Bytes #1 – Hank’s Hacks!”

In this episode, Scott introduces the first of several short cyber security training videos. This isn’t some boring webinar. No way. Instead, join the Risk Pool Cyber Guy, Ryan Burns – and his buddy Hacker Hank – as they discuss “Hank’s Hacks,” which are the most common ways a hacker tricks local government employees into sending money, downloading ransomware, and more. This video is hilarious!  You can listen in traditional podcast format, but you’ll be missing out if you don’t watch the nine-minute YouTube video version linked next to this episode! If you can identify which pool employee plays Hacker Hank, email Scott at for the chance to win a prize!

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Episode 9 Redux, posted May 5, 2023

"Cybersecurity: Are You Prepared?"

Local governments, in addition to the nuts-and-bolts services they provide, are actually just as much in the business of providing and maintaining information, and local officials should recognize that they should work at it just as hard at protecting that information as they do providing law enforcement and maintaining streets and water lines.

You’ve got to think of cybersecurity as part of your daily work serving and protecting your residents.  In today’s world, you just can’t afford to be unprepared – that’s true whether your population is 250,000 or 250.

In this episode, you’ll hear why local governments are frequently targeted by cyber-criminals, how the Risk Pool can help you avoid trouble on the front end, and that we’ve got your back should you get hacked.

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Episode 8, posted February 7, 2024

“First Responders and COVID-19 Vaccines"

Provides COVID-19 statistics and the story of Roger Dean – as told by his surviving family.  Roger was  a healthy 31-year-old Seguin firefighter who passed away after a months-long battle with COVID.

Episode 7 - Call Before you Fire
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Episode 7, posted February 7, 2024

"Disciplining and Terminating Employees: Liability and the Pool’s ‘Call Before You Fire’ Hotline"

Explains: (1) that you may be liable for improper employment actions; and (2) the availability to speak with one of the Pool’s attorneys prior to taking action.

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Episode 6, posted May 19, 2021

“The storm has passed, now what? The Pool's SynergyNDS Turnkey Recovery Program"

Explains: (1) the legalities of purchasing and rebuilding requirements after a hurricane or other disaster; and (2) how the Pool uses Synergy to assist Member recovery.

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Episode 5, posted May 1, 2021

“Keep Your Police Officers Safe: TPCA’s Vincible Program”

Explains the officer safety and risk management benefits when a Member’s law enforcement agency used the Vincible Training Program.

Storm clouds in summer Ragged wind-driven dark clouds move in quickly to obscure large white billows before sunset, for meteorological themes of instability and rapid change
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Episode 4, posted May 13, 2021

“The storm has passed, now what? The Pool’s BEST Roofing and Enhanced Property Damage Recovery Programs”

Explains how the Pool uses the BEST Roofing Program (Scott Franklin and 4T Partnership) to assist Member recovery.

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Episode 3 Redux, posted December 22, 2022

“Sewage Backups: Know Before You Go”

Explains: (1) the law related to a local government’s liability for raw sewage backups into customers’ homes or businesses; and (2) the Pool’s opt-out and supplemental sewage backup coverage. 

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Episode 2b, posted July 8, 2021

“Local Governments and Firearms: Avoiding a Jam”

The information in this episode becomes effective on September 1, 2021. In this episode, we talk about whether local governments can prohibit — or allow — employees to actually carry a gun while at work, and how that can affect your workplace and your risk of a lawsuit.

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Episode 2a, posted July 9, 2021

“Local Governments and Firearms: Avoiding a Jam”

The information in this episode becomes effective on September 1, 2021. Explains the authority of a local government to prohibit or allow employees with a license to carry a handgun at work, the potential liability for doing so, and basics of the Pool’s coverage.

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Episode 1, posted April 23, 2021

“What’s the City Officials: Stronger, Together Podcast Series and Why I Should be Listening?”

Explains: (1) why the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool was started and the services it provides; and (2) the STP Series and how it can help elected officials keep their citizens, employees, volunteers, and property safe, all while saving public dollars.

Further Information

City Officials and Attorneys, did you know?

City councilmembers can earn up to 19 Texas Municipal League Institute CEUs for listening to the podcasts. To receive CEUs for a particular episode, an elected official must provide a description of the episode, which must be educational in nature, pertain to municipal leadership, and should enhance your service as an elected official, for TML approval. 

Attorneys who listen to podcasts may be eligible for up to three hours of self-study CLE credit. Please refer to the State Bar CLE compliance rules for more information.


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