R.O.A.D. Ready

Pledge to take part in R.O.A.D. Ready by signing up today, spreading the message by sharing your success stories, and becoming an advocate for local government employees. #BeROADReady!

Huntsville SW RR 1 webR.O.A.D. Ready is a Risk Pool program designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising Member awareness of dangers on and near roadways.  The Pool will provide participating Members with: (1) specifically designed resources and training to mitigate roadway risks; and (2) promotional materials to show they are R.O.A.D. Ready.

The Pool launched the program in January 2022 and has designated each successive January as R.O.A.D. Ready month. To participate, a Member should: (1) make a commitment to becoming R.O.A.D. Ready by providing internal roadway safety training or using the Pool’s resources to do so; and (2) participating in national roadway, vehicle, or work zone programs.

Is your entity  R.O.A.D. Ready?  Recognize the Hazards; Observe People, Processes, and Equipment; Assess the Risk Level; and Determine the Safest Course of Action.

Learn More About R.O.A.D. Ready

Program Benefits
  • R.O.A.D. Ready Member Training
  • R.O.A.D. Ready Consultation
  • R.O.A.D. Ready Hazard Survey
  • R.O.A.D. Ready Recognition
  • R.O.A.D. Ready Safety Meetings
R.O.A.D. Ready Signup
Share Your Success Stories
Stronger Together Podcast

Interactive Texas Map

Roadway Safety Links
  • National Work Zone Safety Consortium

    Library of Resources to Improve Roadway Work Zone Safety for All Roadway Users.

  • Training

    This section includes information about work zone training courses, programs, and video/DVDs available nationwide. Links to major training organizations are also provided.

  • Work Safety and Welfare

    This section includes resources on worker fatigue, distraction, night work hazards, and personal protective equipment.

  • Safety on the Road

    Provides information on roadway safety for employers, including topics, resources, and training.

  • Roadway Incidents

    Provides information on injuries and exposures related to roadways, non-roadways, and pedestrians.

  • NIOSH Animated Videos

    This section includes a series of animated videos for work zone accidents and incidents.

  • Preventing Backovers

    This section provides information and resources related to how backover incidents occur and ways to prevent them.

  • Backing Best Management Practices

    This section provides information and best practices on safely backing solid waste and recycling vehicles.

  • Vehicle Backing Safety Fact Sheet

    This section provides an overview on general vehicle backing safety practices.

  • Internal Traffic Control Plans

    Provides information on Internal Traffic Control Plans and how to develop them. Provides information on potential blind spots

  • Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN)

    The Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN) are a project of the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI), a Committee of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman's Association. The RSLN is an online training network delivering critical safety training for roadway incident responders. All training is free and delivered 24/7/365 on demand. The self-paced modules include critical components of roadway operations safety in an emergency situation, including: Advance Warning, Blocking, High Visibility, Traffic Control, Public Outreach, Incident Command, and more.

  • National TIM Training Certification

    Through a special agreement with the Federal Highway Administration, the Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN) offers a National TIM Training Certificate for registered users who complete ten specific RSLN online self-paced programs.

  • Roadway Safety Foundation

    Provides information, research, and education opportunities related to roadway initiatives.

  • Our Driving Concern

    Provides free training, education and resources on distracted driving, aggressive driving/speeding, passenger restraint, impaired driving and other transportation and driver safety topics.

  • Texas Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)

    Provides resources on road and highway safety, including the free Lone Star Roads newsletter and a video lending library.

  • Training

    Relevant and useful training is at the core of the TxLTAP program, and course topics are diverse. Either register for a prescheduled course near you or a TxLTAP instructor will come to you. Just contact TxLTAP staff to book a class that fits your needs. There is no charge for TxLTAP training.


    The answer lies in the adoption of 5 Cornerstones: Wear your Vest; Wear your Belt; Watch your Speed; Stay Fit; and 540. These cornerstones are communicated through weekly roll call trainings created and communicated by the Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA) Officer Safety Committee

  • Workplace Safety Videos

    The Workplace Safety Resource Center offers a listing of links to safety videos, hosted mainly on YouTube, by government, educational, and safety organizations.