Safety @ Your Finger T.I.P.S.

TML Safety at Your Finger TIPS 9-22-23The TML Risk Pool wants every employee to go home safe, every time. We are proud to introduce Safety @ Your Finger T.I.P.S. to support that mission. Safety @ Your Finger T.I.P.S. is a new text-message initiative designed to increase your awareness of safety-related hazards and exposures in the workplace and apply that knowledge in your day-to-day work or as a discussion topic in your safety/tailgate meetings.

In addition to safety information, you can sign up to receive notifications about weather and emergency management updates, training programs, and the R.O.A.D. Ready initiative that’s designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising awareness of dangers on and near roadways.

Enter the information below to sign up today!
